5 Amazing Superhero Themed Team Building Activities

Most superheroes have a 'secret identity' as a way to protect themselves from their enemies. In the same way, your team needs to find a way to be stronger together. Superhero Themed Team building activities are a great way to get your team members to work together and bond. Check out this blog for a few fun Superhero Themed Team Building Activities that you can try out Online. Become a Superhero: Icebreaker - To start the exciting superhero academy, all the participants are given the task of becoming a superhero - In this fun icebreaker round, a series of home-made superhero props appear on the screen and the participants have to use anyone to become a superhero - e.g. A towel cape, a wrist band, a face mask, etc Hawkeye: The Extraordinary Vision - Use your superhero powers to solve this mystery - The participants are required to use a pen and paper in this activity - A simple task is presented to all the superheroes. The challenge is who comes the closest to completing the ta...